Raccoon-proof your Green Bin!
Your green "wet waste" City of Toronto collection container can be easily and effectively raccoon-proofed for under $10. This simple trick has worked for me for years and has given 100% protection from the inconvenience of organic garbage being strewn about. The persistent critters have even dragged the bin off my deck and into the yard to work on it, but they have never managed to open it! To secure the bin I cut a piece of 1x2'' spruce strapping to a length of 5.3 inches and then inserted this "block" into the space in front of the closed metal latch. The block fits in this space perfectly creating a snug fit that virtually "locks" the latch in the closed position, thereby securing the lid. Strangely, humans can remove the block with ease yet no raccoon has ever succeeded. The key is to make the block the correct length (5.3'') -- the raccoons' hands, though relatively dexterous, seem unable to leverage the block out of this tight space. Forget about ropes, bungee cords or any other method and try this preventive measure -- it really works. Of course, you must remove the block when you put the bin out for collection day.
Crash-proof your windows to save birds!
Every year in North America millions of birds fly into windows in homes and other buildings. These collisions often result in critical injuries. Particularly if you have large picture windows, you may have heard the thud of an unlucky song bird and then found it stunned or dead on the ground outside. In my experience, it is possible to reduce the risk of these accidents by over 90 percent by using the window decals sold in specialty stores or on-line. These decals are not expensive or visually intrusive -- they are typically translucent and come in a variety of styles. They are non-adhesive so that they can be moved around and do not mark the windows, plus they stay in place where you put them ("static cling"). The birds can see and avoid them because they visually break up the reflective surface of the window pane. Please contact me for more advice on purchasing such products.... they are life savers.
The city is a wilderness....
Encourage butterflies to beautify and enhance your garden!
These Black Swallow-Tail caterpillars were attracted to some dill we planted. Parsley is also a preferred food for these larva which morph into beautiful butterflies. Planting some milkweed (above) is a great way to help support Monarch Butterfly populations.
Tips For Good Mowing and Healthy Lawns